A very successful training programme of 4 weeks, from July 2016 until January 2017 for Machakos County extension service and fish farmers. These courses were carried out in collaboration with Sonia Musyoka and Grace Mumbi; individual trainers and consultants, teachers attached to South East Kenya University (SEKU). Besides these two local consultants, Q-Point worked together with Karin van de Braak, owner of SAS (Sustainable Aquaculture Solutions).
Through trainings, discussions, group assignments, practicals and exposure visits participants haveĀ gained knowledge and skills on best practices locally and globally on health management, feeding practices and feed formulation (using local available ingredients), disease diagnostics, eco-based management practices, fish breeding (catfish/tilapia), entrepreneurship, value addition, value chain management and effective gender-sensitive extension approaches.
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2016 – 2017
Other projects
Conducting and drafting a market study on the flowers sector in Kenya
Maximizing the power of SRGR to build adaptive capacity and climate resilience
Professional and personal growth through Business Mentorship Program
Upgrade practical farming skill training focused on job creation for women and youth