Involved organisations
This project has been commissioned by COLEAD. COLEAD is a network of companies, professional organisations and experts committed to inclusive and sustainable agriculture.
As a private sector (not-for-profit) organisation, COLEAD’s purpose is to support activities that aim to increase the agricultural sector’s contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. COLEAD designs, manages and implements development programmes. Online and in the field, they supply technical assistance; vocational training; and support services that offer research and innovation brokerage, monitoring of regulations and standards, market insights, networks and alliances, and access to finance.
The requesting organisation is PROMANGO (Cluster del Mango Dominicano) which was founded in 2002. PROMANGO is a sector association, representing mango producers and exporters aimed to strenghten the sector and their position on the global market.

The project involves creating a market profile to assess the potential of three mango varieties from the Dominican Republic – Mignolo, Crema De Oro, and Banilejo – within the European Union (EU) market. This assignment is part of COLEAD’s Fit for Market Plus (FFM+) program, which aims to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 and strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of the ACP horticultural sector. The study was commissioned by COLEAD to explore opportunities for these varieties within the EU and to provide actionable insights for stakeholders in the Dominican Republic’s mango export sector.

Project goal and outputs
Goal: To assess the potential of Mignolo, Crema de Oro, and Banilejo mango varieties on the EU market and identify strategies for successful market entry.
1. A comprehensive market profile covering key aspects such as market demand, pricing, seasonality, destination countries, and competitor analysis.
2. SWOT analysis highlighting opportunities and challenges for Dominican exporters.
3. A contact list of potential importers and clients.
4. A PowerPoint presentation summarizing findings for Expo Mango 2025, held in the Dominican Republic.