Requesting party:
Project number : OKP-RWA-10001
Requesting party:
This SEAD-West project is contributing to food & nutrition security in Rwanda by strengthening technical and vocational education that enables integrated food chains to be developed around the horticulture, dairy and poultry value chains in the Western province. Based on experiences and insights gained in the SEAD project, SEAD-West will build new partnerships, and strengthens existing ones to boost agricultural value chain development.
The SEAD West project has, broadly, three lines of intervention:
1) Curriculum Development/Revision, both formal and non-formal;
2) strengthen the Applied research & innovation capacities of the partner institutions and
3) strengthen the outreach services, more specifically the offer of tailor-made training, and establishment of Service, Training, and Innovation Center in Agri-Tourism focusing on the Horticulture value chain and hospitality.
Also, the project ensures equal opportunities, labour market relevance and strengthening management of the chain actors for sustainability. A strong focus in the SEAD-West project is on bringing the triple helix partners (education, private sector and government) together to strengthen 1) the economic results of the project’s value chains, 2) to support the Dutch private agricultural sector and 3) to allow for opportunities for cooperation between partners beyond the scope of the project. To successfully implement SEAD-West, consortia from both sides were built to guarantee the availability of required expertise and create synergies with relevant projects and networks, such as SEAD, HortInvest and Water4Growth.
The assigned Q-Point consultants focus on the outreach. In other words: training of trainers in the livestock value chain. For this project, this entails: dairy, pig, aquaculture, feed and poultry sector and horticulture sector.
In practical sense, this means curriculum development for the relevant project subjects and training of staff, including training in Rwanda and an exposure visit to the Netherlands.
Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic, as part of the Orange Knowledge Programme, project number OKP-RWA-10001.