Joint collaboration and stronger linkages between A-TVETs, private training centres, and SAGCOT partnerships are key. Through these linkages, the main contribution of the project is to create improved (modernised) horticulture businesses and value chains, resulting in (1) a more attractive sector for youth to be involved in since there are more opportunities for (youth) employment, and (2) strengthening the (income) position of women who are primarily involved in the sector by amongst others, more opportunities for women in agribusiness.
The project will gear towards demand-driven innovations that take into account gender, youth and the environment while touching on aspects of quality seeds, climate-smart farming, new electronic technologies (sensors), irrigation, inclusive value chain management, post-harvest handling, food safety standards (GLOBALGAP, certification and export requirements), testing on residue levels (MRL), value addition to establish diversified and sustainable horticultural value chains.
The key challenge that is thereby addressed is the lack of technical and business skills and limited hands-on exposure of A-TVET staff, farmers and of youth who want to engage in horticulture. The project will identify, develop and implement practical training modules and demonstration programmes related to Food & Nutrition Security focusing on horticulture in partnership with sector stakeholders and experts in the various fields, mainly focussing on practical, technical and self-employment skills. Next to that, a focus will be on industry mentoring programs for start-ups to ensure an increase in opportunities for agribusiness.
The following deliverables will be executed during the project:
- Training: Sustainable potato production (open field)
- Training: Greenhouse management
- Training: Post-harvest management
- Training: International food safety standards
- Training: Agro-based entrepreneurial skills development, marketing and trade
- Training: Quality control and inspection
- Centre of Excellence (CoE)
The CoE is also a place where innovative technologies in the field of irrigation, climate-smart agriculture, renewable energy etc, applicable to farming operations in Tanzania are demonstrated. Through the integration of sensors, various data sources are linked leading to the possibility to research causal relationships in these data, with which to take the control of the growth process of seeds and plants to a whole new level, which is not yet happening. New techniques are applied here, which is an innovative way and therefore requires the necessary technical skills.
- Demonstration chemical use and GlobalG.A.P;
Implementation of GlobalG.A.P. in the greenhouses of GVA, Mati Uyole in Mbeya and Horti-Tengeru, to demonstrate safe production of vegetables. The team will develop a practical handbook for GlobalG.A.P implementation at the farmers’ level.
- Green Juniors program
To connect education (Mati Uyole, Horti Tengeru, TARI Ilonga, TARI Kifyulilo and TARI Dakawa Mvomero) with the private sector (farmers, processors and agri-input suppliers) and create a reciprocal exchange of knowledge and experiences.