From January 1, 2024, CDG version 5.0 mandatory!
CDG is a Generally Binding Declared certification scheme (AVV). The AVV of the current certification scheme (CDG version 4.0) expires on December 31, 2023.
The new certification scheme CDG version 5.0 is currently awaiting approval from both the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (which must provide the AVV declaration) and the Dutch Accreditation Council.
The new certification scheme CDG version 5.0 (draft) can be found on the website of Stichting CDG. From January 1, 2024, audits will be conducted according to this new standard.
We can help you implement the new CDG requirements.
More information about Stichting CDG can be found at: [Stichting CDG]( – downloads).
More information about MPS-ECAS can be found at: [MPS-ECAS News](