Kenya’s Flower Sector: Market & Technical Insights Now Available!
The sector study on Kenyan flowers provides market insights, trends, and strategies for entrepreneurs. Check the report!

Empowering smallholder farmers in Tanzania through Training and Capacity building.

Today, October 1, 2024, we have welcomed three new colleagues to Q-Point in Wageningen!

From dumpsite to urban farm: a story from Kibera
An urban farm established on a former dumpsite in Kibera? That seems challenging, but has proven to be very much [...]

Training on Flower quality along the value chain
Training on Flower quality along the value chain in Kenya

Food Safety Management Systems training in Nairobi, Kenya
Food Safety Management Systems training in Nairobi, Kenya given by Q-Point

Study on the potential market for organic vegetables and fruits in Rwanda
Study on the potential market for organic vegetables and fruits in Rwanda

Final admission call for the Business Mentorship Program!
Last call to apply to The Business Mentorship Program, co-created together with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kenya, and the Netherlands Business Hub Kenya.

Online training in Ethiopia on Dairy Value Chain Management & Value Addition
Mark and Feline gave online training on the topic of Dairy Value Chain Management and Value Addition

Interim assignment(s) at DSM-Firmenich by Q-Point
Interim assignment(s) at DSM-Firmenich by our advison Joost van Tinteren.

Urban Farming project tour Nairobi

Photo exhibition & pub quiz on avocado and dairy in Nakuru