Entrepreneurship training ISPG Mozambique

Q-Point recently provided a three-day training on educational entrepreneurship at the Instituto Superior Politecnico De Gaza (ISPG). The ISPG is a higher education provider offering different courses in agricultural sciences, water engineering and social sciences. The institution is located in the Chókwè district, in Gaza Province. Gaza is mainly agrarian, having rice, vegetables and cattle as the strongest economies. The site is host of the nationwide biggest irrigation scheme, covering more than 30.000 hectares.


The Nuffic-funded tailor-made training (TMT) focuses on strengthening entrepreneurship and applying a multi-disciplinary approach to boost food security, production and inclusive value chain development. The training gives the staff of ISPG access to highly valuable and recent skills and knowledge. Topics are entrepreneurship, food production, value chain management of agricultural perishable products and stakeholder engagement. This TMT enables ISPG to take on a multi-sectorial and multi-disciplinary approach in propelling food security and inclusive economic growth for the people of Mozambique.


The first training week built capacity of the ISPG staff in entrepreneurship in agribusiness, entrepreneurship within the institution, business incubation, market-oriented production and marketing dynamics. A number of tools were introduced and applied in order to support the integration of entrepreneurship in the curriculum of ISPG. Furthermore, the project contributes to the mainstreaming of gender equality and increasing gender sensitiveness in (management of) curriculum development, training of trainers, applied research and outreach services.

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