Requesting partner:

Alage TVET college

The involved institution

Alage Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) College

Alage ATVET is an established institution in Ethiopia focused on agricultural education. The institution prepares professionals for roles in both the industry and community, aligning with Ethiopia’s goals to enhance agricultural productivity. Their programs aim to create graduates equipped for the demands of the agro-industrial sector, especially in relation to nearby Agro Industry parks. Alage ATVET is actively seeking partnerships and support to further improve their training programs and increase the employability of their graduates.


Agriculture in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a predominantly agricultural country with most of its population living and working in rural areas. With the rapid population growth,  there is a need for increased food production in a sustainable way. There is a tremendous potential for agricultural growth. However, smallholder farmers are facing challenges with regards to an ineffective and inefficient marketing system, logistics, communication and production technologies in combination with environmental degradation and climate change. Currently, the linkages between the colleges and the private sector are weak and the colleges do not have a good understanding what the labour market actually needs.

Ethiopia’s strategy for the horticulture sector is to become one of the leading exporting countries in Africa, with a better contribution to food and nutrition security, enhanced foreign currency earnings and better employment opportunities.

Project goal and outputs

This training is linked to the theme Food and Nutrition Security (FNS), with an emphasis on capacity development in agricultural technical and vocational education in the Oromia region. This TMT supports inclusive and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector in line with the objective of the Dutch development cooperation policy.

With regards to the medium-term objectives FNS 2018-2022 of EKN, the project will contribute to:

  • a) Increased growth of smallholder farmers’ output and income; through improving market linkages within specific horticulture value chains.
  • b) Increased access to affordable nutritious food through value-chain strengthening within the horticulture sector.

By building capacity of ATVET teachers and management to address abovementioned problems, the project stimulates sustainable linkages between the private sector and A-TVETs. Strengthened linkages improve the alignment and the delivery of workforce needed by the private sector.

The following training subjects were incorporated in the training missions:

  • Training week 1: Value chain management, quality management and food safety.
  • Training week 2: Post-harvest management and value addition.
  • Training week 3: Agro-based entrepreneurial skills development including marketing skills.

Relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

This TMT training is linked to the above stated and the CPI’s main priority theme: Food and Nutrition Security (FNS), with an emphasis on horticulture and capacity development in agricultural technical and vocational education.w


Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic, as part of the Orange Knowledge Programme, project number OKP–TMT 20-00106).

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February 2020 – July 2021

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