Results of the project NICHE-KEN-212 Water management and livestock Pwani University

By Prof Mondoh, Deputy Vice Chancellor (AFP), Pwani University


The Nuffic Project at Pwani University involved capacity building as one of the major activities. Consequently, Pwani University staff at all levels participated. I was privileged to participate first as a senior member of management, in two training workshops organised by the project. Both were on change management. I also participated as a member of faculty in the development of modules for blended learning. In this regard, I attended a training workshop on blended learning and managed to initiate the development of one course module. I am yet to complete it, but with a little nudge, I will.

Besides the training, I have supported through the Management Board the idea of the establishment of a daycare centre, which is still work in progress. In addition, I have directly approved the expenditure of funds for the activities.


My perception of the key achievements of the NICHE-KEN-212 (see more: Nuffic NICHE-KEN-212) project:

  • training of most staff on change management and value addition
  • sponsorship of postgraduate training
  • training of faculty on blended learning
  • production of more than 500 course modules for blended learning
  • purchase and installation of farm equipment such as a pasteuriser and a feed milling machine
  • drilling of a borehole
  • establishment of a model farm
  • assorted soil analysis equipment
  • NIR Spectrometer (FOSS)
  • installation of a windmill and water storage tanks at the model farm

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