Training entrepreneurship & food safety in Kampala, Uganda
How to write a solid business plan using Business Model Canvas? What to do to ensure food safety in a business? And even, how to mitigate food safety risks as an entrepreneur in the agricultural value chain?
These questions were central in the training ‘entrepreneurship and food safety’ given by our colleagues Feline and Lisa at Kyambogo University in Kampala, Uganda.
Lecturers, researchers, and other staff members of Kyambogo University, Bukulasa Agricultural College, and HortiFresh Association Uganda were trained on the topic in a project funded by Nuffic: “Strengthening skills and training capacity in the horticulture sector in Uganda”.
Following the philosophy of “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn”, the participants had to put theory into practice by using the established greenhouse of Kyambogo University as a business case. Besides, a field trip was included to Uwepo farm where the participants interviewed everyone who worked at the farm to learn about their business model and the application of the GLOBALG.A.P. requirements.
Thank you all for the inspiring training week! 😊

Introduction at Uwepo farm

Field visit to Uwepo Farm

Field visit to Uwepo Farm

Field visit to Uwepo Farm

Field visit to Uwepo Farm

Training participants on farm