Training: setting up a virtual business incubation centre in Rwanda

Building business by value addition of food product in Rwanda, how can we do this better then by working together on the creation of a virtual business incubation centre?

Our Q-point colleagues Lisa Rotteveel and Feline Heussen partnered up with our local partner Rebecca Ruzibuka to provide a training with local entrepreneurs and participants of University of Rwanda, for both academics and students and local entrepreneurs.

Participants brainstorming about the incubation center

Participants brainstorming about the incubation center

Participants filling out the Business Model Canvas

Participants filling out the Business Model Canvas

The training was focused on the creation of an online business incubation trajectory, which had to be created step-by-step using the Business Model Canvas methodology. To see theory into practice we paid visits to VegetSolutions, the business of a local entrepreneur, and to a business incubation centre in Kigali. Thanks to the great enthusiasm of the trainees and the inclusion of the different stakeholders, the outcome of this week was not just one idea on a virtual business incubation centre, but four feasible ideas! We believe that this incubation centre is another step towards an environment where Rwandese graduates are well equipped with the needed (soft) skills and knowledge to confidently start their own business within agriculture.

Want to know more? Read the full project on our website here. 

Participants completing their Business Model Canvas

Participants completing their Business Model Canvas


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