Requesting party
Project number : KEN COLEAD Flowers 8368-LC
This project has been commissioned by COLEAD. COLEAD is a network of companies, professional organisations and experts committed to inclusive and sustainable agriculture. As a private sector (not-for-profit) organisation, COLEAD’s purpose is to support activities that aim to increase the agricultural sector’s contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. COLEAD designs, manages and implements development programmes. Online and in the field, they supply technical assistance; vocational training; and support services that offer research and innovation brokerage, monitoring of regulations and standards, market insights, networks and alliances, and access to finance.
The flower industry plays a pivotal role in the economies of various East African countries, notably in Kenya, where floriculture is contributing around 70% to the country’s horticultural export value chain, amounting to nearly EURO 1 billion annually. Over the past three decades, Kenya’s floriculture sector has evolved into a profitable, self-sustaining, and competitive industry. While the flower business is driving economic growth and development in Kenya and across East Africa, there are still many challenges to overcome and there is much untapped potential in the sector. There is a need for a study to fill the information gaps regarding the flower business and trade in and by Kenya. The information should be accessible for the sector so that they can seize the best business opportunities at local, regional and international levels.
The aim of the sector study is to facilitate the decision of entrepreneurs in the Kenyan flower sector, by providing them with all the necessary information (technical and market) to enable them to seize the best opportunities and deal with the current sector’s challenges.
A sector study specifically focused on roses and summer flowers including market and technical information. This includes insights into the market trends, trade channels, export destinations, main competitors in production, regulatory and standard updates, cold chain developments, and proposed marketing strategies for roses and summer flowers grown in Kenya.
The complete reports can be found in the library of COLEAD:
With the provided information in the market study, the flower sector in Kenya can contribute to the following SDGs: